Welcome to my practice

for psychotherapy, 

couples therapy & coaching 

in Friedrichshain



Samira Gebhardt
Systemic Therapist & Coach

Alternative Practitioner for Psychotherapy

My Services 


I offer the following services on a self-pay basis at my practices in Friedrichshain:



Appreciative support to overcome emotional and psychological challenges and improve your well-being.





Systemic Coaching 

Individual and goal-oriented support to achieve your personal goals and develop your full potential.





Couples Counseling

Solution-focused counseling for couples who want to resolve relationship issues and build connectedness and healthy communication.





Motivational events and programs to acquire new knowledge, develop your skills set and exchange and grow with like-minded people.




"Why are we the way we are? Can we do anything about it? And if so, how?"  


This question has preoccupied me since my youth. And so I have made it my mission to explore it and to use my acquired knowledge and skills to offer support to other people on their way.


With appreciative, solution-oriented conversations, reflection exercises and self-regulation methods, I successfully support a wide variety of people in mastering their individual challenges and creating a life in which they feel comfortable.


My secret? I love my work. It fulfills me to see people in inner balance, content and happy again. I would be happy to support you on your path as well. Nobody has to do everything alone. Find out more about my path here.



I got to know Ms. Gebhardt as a competent, structured and empathetic psychotherapist. She supported me very understandingly and always flexibly with my challenges.

Kathrin K.

In several sessions with Ms. Gebhardt, I was able to clarify some key personal and professional issues for myself. We found some very exciting answers. I can really recommend this experience to everyone!

Benni B.

The biography work and the work with the inner child helped me to recognize and work on my beliefs. Since then, I feel more at ease with myself and have the feeling that I can be much freer.

Linda K.

Thanks to autogenic training, I have finally got my fear of speaking under control and no longer panic before big meetings. My focus and concentration at work have also improved a lot.

Boris P.